
Bush still lovin the Iraq war

[“Five years into this battle, there is an understandable debate over whether the war was worth fighting, whether the fight is worth winning, and whether we can win it,” he said. “The answers are clear to me. Removing Saddam Hussein from power was the right decision, and this is a fight that America can and must win.”

At a community college in Fayetteville, N.C., Mr. Obama drew the opposite conclusion. He noted that the war in Iraq had now lasted longer than the Civil War, World War I and World War II, though it has been fought on a scale far below those conflicts. “And where are we for all of this sacrifice?” he said. “We are less safe and less able to shape events abroad.”]-NYT

Hey pal this isnt warhawk for PS3. People's family members and friends are really dying out there. . . .I support our troops for supporting their commitment they made to America.